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2023 Presenters

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Will Bloom

Will Bloom

Sports and Outdoor Sales Manager, Louisiana Office of Tourism

As the sports and outdoor sales manager with the Louisiana Office of Tourism, Will Bloom leads efforts to promote and develop Louisiana regions/communities as ideal sports event destinations. His strategy entails a range of marketing, sales endeavors, and community outreach to increase acquisitions, relationships, and development. The results of his methodology, commitment, and partnerships have garnered a range of sports events to Louisiana that has generated economic impacts and enhanced our quality of life. Bloom is a New Orleans and Louisiana-native, alumnus of the University of Florida and Loyola University New Orleans, and family man. Bloom represents all 64 parishes within Louisiana and he is active with Team Louisiana, the sports tourism coalition for Louisiana, with 21 active partners. He also co-chairs the State Association Leaders Community with Sports ETA, and he sits as an advisor to the Louisiana Equine Promotion & Research Board.
